Relationship Goals
Financial security/responsibility
Have similar financial goals: being debt-free, paying bills in a timely manner, budgeting money and saving.
Purchase wisely, not impulsively, focusing on necessities and benefit of purchases to relationship.
Be able to stand alone and be upbeat, and have the ability to be happy without any external dependency.
Don’t allow adversity to break down the ability to smile.
Maintain a positive attitude.
Be spontaneous.
Embrace the unknown and look on as an adventure.
Cleaning up after self.
Maintain organization of personal belongings, and don’t accumulate clutter.
Take initiative on housework and pride in home space.
Be creative.
Family Goals
Want to build a family.
Be able to take equal responsibility in raising children.
Commit to instill values and give love no matter what personal dilemmas may arise.
Work together to meet family needs.
Create traditions.
Have family dinner nightly and work together to achieve it.
Share everything with one another, especially finances.
Realize that what affects one person affects the other and the relationship.
Work towards goals as a unit.
Support partner through actions not just words.
Listen and be patient.
Learn about and from your partner continuously.
Share interests, but also take an interest in what they are passionate about.
Take the lead.
Always make time for one another.
Have no regrets.
Be open minded and accepting of God’s creations.
Love and forgive.
Care about the world and strive to make a difference on small everyday level.
Hold family closer than anything else in the world and let them know it through actions and words.
Maintain a strong sense of spirituality, and spend alone time each day getting in touch with it.
Share it with your partner.
Feel as though your partner is a gift to your spiritual life.
Show passion for your partner on a regular basis.
When it’s hard to find, open up to exploration.
Realize actions speak louder than words.
Never be afraid to show the world your love.
Hold hands.
Stare into each other’s eyes.
Share a moment.
Be thankful.
Aim to please your partner before yourself.
Learn how.
Commit to quality time on weekly basis.
Show appreciation.
Take care of your body, and support your partner in the same. Work together.
Eat well, and be open to new things. Realize what habits you form affects your partner.
Allow food to bring you together.
Embark on new forms of fitness together.
Work out together.
Give each other massages.
Love yourself.
Love your life.
Wake up excited.